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Pipe vs Bubbler

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by NewSmokr, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. K so I'm going to be buying a piece in 1-2 days and was wondering what I should go for, a bubbler or a pipe. No bongs because they are to big and no capes because they are to expensive! So I was wondering, any of u have a bubbler and pipe? Which one do you guys like more? What's the difference? Also I need It to be portable so I can hide it in my house and also able to bring it out to smoke!
  2. It's as simple as this. Do you want to deal with water?
  3. [quote name='"autro"']It's as simple as this. Do you want to deal with water?[/quote]

    I dont mind it, but are bubblers small or big. Also if u dont have water and smoke from the bubbler, won't it be just like a pipe?
  4. #4 ckycampmember, Aug 17, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2012
    bubblers are small and big.
    it will hit way smoother than a spoon.
    if it has no water, itd be more like a steamroller.

    if you want a big bubbler, i would just consider a small bong.
    some bubblers can be a challenge to clean
    & putting water in some bubblers is a b!tch.

    EDIT: whats your price range? that makes a big difference with what type of bubbler you will be looking at.
  5. Love pipes more. They can be used in more situations than bubbler
  6. [quote name='"ckycampmember"']

    bubblers are small and big.
    it will hit way smoother than a spoon.
    if it has no water, itd be more like a steamroller.

    if you want a big bubbler, i would just consider a small bong.
    some bubblers can be a challenge to clean
    & putting water in some bubblers is a b!tch.

    EDIT: whats your price range? that makes a big difference with what type of bubbler you will be looking at.[/quote]

    My price range is around 10-20$, can I get a decent bubbler that Is portable? And what is a steamroller? Which one allows bigger hits?
  7. I've had a little $10 glass pipe for a few months. Sometimes it's a little harsh.

    Time to try something a little smoother to mix it up a little. A bong is a little too big for me, too, so tomorrow i'm gonna pick up a bubbler. Look at the selection here on GC.

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