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Pipe use and other noob questions

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by NoobHillbilly, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. Ok, I know fully that this is going to be a stupid question. All the searches direct to marijuana pipes. I'm a soon-to-be first-time smoker (of cannabis).

    Is there a reason I can't just use one of my regular tobacco pipes? I wasn't able to find anything about this.

    How soon will I feel the full effect? (The first time I drank alcohol, I didn't realize it took 15 minutes to get the full effect, and I had drunk more than I need to.)

    If I just get mildly high, how long will the effects realistically last? WOuld I be OK to drive by the next morning?
  2. You want to get a glass pipe because they're easy to clean, but any pipe will work for now. You'll get high within a few minutes and be fine again in a few hours.
  3. glass is easier to clean,

    5-10 min depending on the bud

    an hour or 2, you will be perfectly fine
  4. Welcome! First is your pipe glass becaue glass pipes are easier to clean. The effect depends on the strain and the person. It can hit you right away or it may take 5 min. My first time smoking I didn't feel it til I smoked 4 bowls which is WAY too much

    Anyway, what kind of first high would you like? A more memorable or a relaxing high?

    And yes you will be perfectly fine in the next 2-6 hours or so. I wouldn't worry I can drive perfectly while im high :D
  5. Personally I fancy tabocco pipe better then glass. Goes in smoother my personally opinion lol. And when your asking yourself if your high usually means you are.
  6. [quote name='"hamiltonian"']glass is easier to clean,

    5-10 min depending on the bud

    an hour or 2, you will be perfectly fine[/quote]

    This^. Dive in head first. Experience is the best way to learn.

  7. Definitely the relaxing, contemplative high I've heard so much about.

  8. I would recommend just maybe smoking 1 -2 bowls. Depending on your weight and the quality of the weed.
  9. #9 purple sativa, Aug 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2012
    Yes you can use your pipe but glass hits smoother and is easier to clean.

    If you are smoking out of a pipe you should feel the effects starting to set in within 5 minutes, and by the 20 minute mark you should be climbing nicely.

    And even if you get SUPER baked, or if you just get "mildy high" im sure you will be fine to drive the next morning. Weed will not affect you for more than a couple hours, and the effects leave no lingering lag that would prevent you from driving. atleast not many hours later.

  10. How do I ask for the cannabis most likely to produce the relaxing, calm, insightful high? If I say "Indica" will I get what I want or do I need to be more specific. Thank for the help.

  11. Honestly on the street there is no way to actually ensure you are getting an indica or a sativa, most dealers lie and make up strain names and such just to push up the price. Its a lot easier to search for bud in regards to the quality rather than the genetics. Look for bud with lots of white crystals and orangeish hairs on it. There are many threads on what good and bad bud looks like, if you follow that then you should be fine. Also, if your looking for a relaxing high then keep the relaxing mindset and environment. Put on some nice tunes and kick back and blaze, oh and be careful, dont let your mind get consumed by paranoia but also dont make carless mistakes. enjoy! :bongin:
  12. My honest recommendation:

    Smoke a bowl, see how you feel, if youre not quite at the high you want, smoke another-do it in stages.

    Once youve hit the achieved high-make a day out of it and just toke like fuck-smoke as much as you can. You will be soo glad you did.

  13. ^exactly. The only way to know what you're smoking is to buy it through a dispensary or order from a seedbank and grow it yourself.

    NH I assume you've got your own place and a steady income? I highly recommend that you take up growing as a hobby.
  14. #14 RazzleDazzler, Aug 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2012
    Man people are suggesting bowls but in my experience the first time doesn't take very much. OP in my opinion just take your time until you achieve the level of high you are comfortable with, without necessarily smoking an entire bowl or two.
    And yes you should be alright to drive in the morning, it might seem a little hazy when you first get up but that's normal.

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