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Pipe or joints.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by MiamiDadeKryp, Apr 17, 2009.

  1. well as we all know, the U.S. government has placed a very high tax on tobacco products, and packs of dutches have gone up 1.50 in my area. so i said fuck it you know. its eating into my wallet. so im debating on just geting a little pipe. you know something portable for personal use. i could get a pretty good one for 20$. but what would you suggest either just stick with joints, (zig zags) or mini pipe? i dont know how efficient the pipe is. so im just throwing a question out there, im leaning toward the pipe side.

    and if im smoking with friends im going to use either a blunt/ or joint.
    im asking whats better for personal use. and i usually smoke arizona ( good regs/ mids).
  2. I've always had a piece that I can take where ever. I love it, get something small and simple that you can just take with you, makes life simple and it's a one time purchase, don't have to keep buying more papers and spend the time rolling.

    I say buy a small pipe (I'd grab a little bubbler if you could, my friend's got a pocket sized sherlock bub that's portable yet still hits pretty nice) and then just throw a pack of zigs in your car for the occasional time you forget your piece or feel like smoking a joint.
  3. you read my mind lol,
    screw it, its only 20 dollars. lmao :smoke:
  4. Yeah, go for the pipe.

    But be careful, once you start buying glass you will start to love buying glass.
  5. I have a pocket bubbler i carry around with me its really small
  6. You save way more money buying a little pipe for $20 Thats what I have and it gets me high on very little
  7. This.
  8. Blunts are dumb. Screw Tobacco products. I mean c''s a waste of weed anyway.

    Joints are ok I guess in a pinch or if you don't worry about how much weed you have. I usually carry a book of them in my glove compartment. Good when nothing else is around as I NEVER like to advocate combustion. Also, I have a fake metal cigarette bat as well that I smuggle into concerts or use in public and stuff.

    Get a vape- ur lungs will thank you (so will your wallet).

  9. Your fucking sig is sooo funny lol
  10. Oh and I reccomend joints pipes break and joints don't leave as much evidence.:smoke:
  11. If you're driving I'd say joints because they look like cigs and you can eat them if you're getting pulled over (not pleasant but hey what else would you do?)

    Otherwise go glass alll the waaay. I fuckin miss my first piece... y'all remember Zilla? Probably not. Anyway, I'd invest in glass if I were you.
  12. Id say go with a pipe...thats just me though
    its really up to you, id go with whatever way you perfer smoking
  13. I'm going with the majority of these fellows here lol. Buy some glass but be careful cause it's true, once you start buying you really wont want to stop.
  14. I would suggest you just go to your local gas station, and pick up a little metal pipe. They shouldn't be much more than $10, and are easy to just keep in your pocket, and if for some reason you must toss it, it wont break when you come back to get it later.
  15. At local tobacco stores, you can easily pick up a one-hitter for $5. All different kinds from metal bowls to those pipes that look like cigarettes. Go for the pipe.
  16. #16 Burngreen, Apr 17, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2009
    Well, I own a small 3" glass piece. It works wonderfully and can fit in my pocket if I need to go somewhere. I generally carry a pack of papers in my wallet/pocket just in case I get surprised by a smoking session. :p Basically, if you want portability go with joint papers. However, if you don't mind a little heft or want to carry it in your car then definitely go with the pipe. :smoking:
  17. ya get the pipe. i think there better and i can get them for 5 bucks cause the guy at my headshop knows i keep breaking them :p i broke 2 in 1 day cause i bring it wherever i go :)
  18. go ahead and get a nice piece of glass, a one hitter, a medium size spoon, whatever you like, i think pipes are a very good investment, not deal with rolling up papers and leaving roaches around and conserve more.
  19. glass pipe ftw.
    you can also get small one hitter keychains and small glass pipes for 5-15 bucks. :hello:

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