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Pipe made of clay?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ECstoner, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Sup GC

    So my roommate comes back on like saturday from some art thing he did in new mexico for class. He made a bong out of clay (lol) and is bringin it back with him (hasnt been used so he brought it on the plane). were gonna buy a slide for it when he gets back. so that will be cool.

    he also made a pipe out of clay but he gave that to someone else. i was wondering if that could cause any harm being that the clay would be in direct contact with the flame? just out of curiosity.
  2. I wouldn't think so. A crucial part to indian cooking is the tandoor, a special clay oven, which is used to create a sort of jet propulsion effect of heat and burns upwards of 700 degrees F. If its safe to cook in then its most likely safe to smoke out of.

    the clay bong sounds dope too. make sure to upload pics if you can
  3. Back in high school my art teacher was a stoner, one time i checked the clay oven for my work and she had made a clay pipe :hello: i laughed my ass off.
  4. Will do. and thanks for the info
  5. I made a little pipe in art class one time. I designed it to look like a teapot so as not to raise any suspicion. I didn't even glaze it. That thing saw some action before I had to get on an airplane. Since it wasn't glazed, I reworked it into a little charm that I have to this day.
  6. I used to make clay pipes back when I was much younger. You should be fine. Beats a soda can or tinfoil.
  7. Hahaha. thats awesome.

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