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Pipe just shattered

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by smokeweed1, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. I have terrible news to report that my pipe has just shattered. It was barley a month old. It was a sherlock with rasta colors spirling down. As a resault I popped some oxy to take my mind off of it.
  2. Sounds like an overall constructive past hour

  3. It fell out of my door handle and onto the blacktop in front of a restaurant so i really couldnt grab the pieces. It had a shitty death to say the least
  4. That sucks man, I've been there. I've had two bongs broken by friends in the last couple of months, so I decide to buy a nice $30 pipe. Less than a month later (last friday actually) it fell out of an open jacket pocket I thought I had closed. It can take a fall, but this one had some velocity on it and it hit cement.

    Rest in peace fallen pieces.
  5. And it happened at a time where i cant afford to spend any money. I am stuck with a one hitter. I guess i gotta start rollin js again.
  6. Hey....look at the bright least you didnt get a flat tire from backing out over the glass.:D
  7. Should have sold the pills to replace it. Pills are for junkies anyways.
  8. it seems that if you're a stoner (especially a new stoner) you will break your pipe eventually, or your friend will.. i've broken one so far, and had another one stolen.. so for now i'm sticking to fat joints:smoke: and the bong i bought from CCHQ (Cannabis Culture Mag FTW) i'd just buy a cheap glass/ceramic pipe to carry around and keep a really nice bong/pipe whatever at home on your coffee table and be VERY careful with it!!
  9. Sorry to hear + rep to cheer ya up :p
  10. Yeah dude that sucks I hear ya....I got a really nice $35 pipe and fell outta my coat pocket like less than a week later and shattered...

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