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Pipe I wanna buy? Take a look..

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by I_Milk_Bongs420, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. Hey fellow stoners, I have a friend who has this sick as pipe i wanna buy. From what he tells me it is a Sherlock cheryl? or cherly? thing rips nice, fun to play with the carb. He paid $60 for it new and he wants $40 now. He'll probably smoke me up too because hes a nice guy, think its worth it? It's like green and blue and glittery. If it get it on friday I'll post some pictures. Can someone tell me what its called though?

  2. dont pay 66% of the retail pricde for a used piece.

    i would pay 10-15 bucks max dude. just buy a new piece w/ your 40 dollars. but then again i'm against buying used products, that's just me however.

    also your pic is awful
  3. it looks like a bubbler to me
  4. With shipping and putting that stuff on my credit card would make me leery buying a peice offline. Also I live 30-45 minutes away from any head shops so its hard. I've ripped the thing and really like it so I'm considering it. I think its worth like $30 though to be honost. The pic was not taken by me, and it was through a cellphone.. Also I searched online for this peice and could not find it.
  5. I thought it was a bubbler at first too, its not. (too bad) It might be able to hold some water though you never know. That would be nice to catch the ash, make it smoother, etc.
  6. Yo, bought that Sherlock yesturday. Check it out..



    I paid $35 and he threw in a bowl case he got from a smokeshop. He also smoked me up for free last time i was over there. Not to mention he's my boy. Word. :cool:
  7. nice pipe
  8. Thanks man :) I'm lovin the glittery look, you can't really see it in the pictures. And that first one my dealer took is terrible
  9. That shit looks nice.
    But I wouldn't buy a used product for 40 buccs.
    Might as well buy a bong or pipe from here.
  10. International shipping is like 30 bucks smart ***^

    I wish I could see it though. I think you got a good deal, as long as it was cleaned before you bought it...
  11. That def looks like a bub. but then again im alittle high.
  12. It's not a bubbler

    It was, and yes I did but I could honostly care less how much it was I got it from one of my good friends.. It looks much better in person aswell.

    Not this quality, it was 35 bucks and i got a bag for my bowl with it, and the price is not a problem to me, he sells me cheap bud anyways because were good friends so it all balances out.. And if I wanted a bong, I would have bought one, and this is a pipe, and it would have cost more with shipping. As well as this pipes quality, its worth much more than $35 new.

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