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pipe cleaner substitutes?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by aidenmurrey, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. [​IMG]
    unfortunately, i dont have any of these guys. i plan on using the iso and salt method but when i do it, there is usually some residue in the pipe still. anyone have ideas on substitutes for pipe cleaners?
  2. If I get one of my pieces of glass really dirty, usually when sharing with friends, I frequently find it necessary to soak the piece in iso for a few hours, rinse it off, and put it back to soak.

    If the residue is very stubborn, than add some salt to the iso bath and shake.
  3. buy some? haha, or use a paper clip, it's a good substitute, and will def. get the resin out

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