Pipe buying question

Discussion in 'General' started by zhangmaster12, Oct 11, 2007.

  1. If I want to buy a pipe off of the GrassCity shop with cash, do I need to mail in identification?
    Also, do I need to sign the package when it arrives at my house? Finally, is it possible to drop off the package at a specific time period due to inflexible work hours?

    thanks all

    ps i live in the US
  2. A good method is to wait until you are at least 18 to order drug accessories to your parent's house.

    But ignoring that, you use a money order available at banks and some other places and find a website that doesn't require verification. I believe this one does,
  3. he never said he wasnt 18, and when you assume you make an ass out of you and me...

    ive never ordered from grasscity, and other websites arent allowed to be posted here...sorryz
  4. He has cash, not a money order, needs to know if the website will only sell to people with ID, and wants it dropped off at a time his parents are gone. I don't know what ass there is to make.
  5. well, did he say that...maybe he just works hard, its pretty much talking for him ya know...never once did he even say parents in that post, nor that he wasnt 18
  6. I whiff a smart person. *whiffwhiff*

    Anybody can make a money order, even if they're underage, this is indeed suspicious.
  7. Stop jumping on his ass about his age and answer his question. He gave a reason for everything. Just because it sounds like what a kid would doesn't mean he is a kid. You can't see him it is all words.

    to OP sorry I don't know the answer to your question, but I don't think age verification is required. You can post this question here http://forum.grasscity.com/web-site-feedback/ and get an answer from the staff.

  8. -rep we dont need ass ramarks
  9. Actually, he/she was stating the situation as he/she saw it, just giving straight information. There wasn't anything smart ass about it. And why didn't you neg rep me for agreeing with that person, big guy?
  10. by cash i mean money order/paypal/check.

    yes im over 18, but i live with my rents atm

    and i dont want to send in id without needing to

    thanks dark

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