Pink Floyd Kick.

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by foamcups, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. #1 foamcups, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2010
    So I find myself to be on the quite the Pink Floyd kick as of late. So what is everybody's favorite Pink Floyd Song and/or Album. Right now I am digging the songs Us And Them and Shine On You Crazy Diamond, and for the Shine On song I am a fan of the Epicly long 17 minute version.

    Edit: I would also like to add I don't think any of Pink Floyd's music sounds dated at all because it is layered so well and has tons of depth.
  2. Dark Side of the Moon.

    I wasn't a very big fan of Floyd, but then me and some friends watched Wizard of Oz with it playing. I found it inspiring to say the least. lol. Been my most played album now for a week.

  3. Nice...This is really the album that turned me onto Floyd...If You like that one though you should definitely download the Wish You Were Here Album great stuff on that one also.
  4. #4 BlueDom, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2010
    I love Floyd, Wish You Were Here and Animals are my favourite albums. I will never get tired of listening to all the parts of Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Dogs, and Pigs(Three Different Ones).
    RIP Syd Barrett and Rick Wright.
  5. its truly a shame that these guys couldnt put their egos aside. its not often that you find a group with this kind of talent.

  6. Same, but I don't think I can narrow it down to just those two Albums...I have to throw in the Dark Side of The Moon Album too. With Songs like Time, Money, Us And Them all on one album i find it hard to not include it.
  7. [ame=""]YouTube - Pink Floyd - Pigs (Three Different Ones)[/ame]

    This is the fucking shit right here when stoned....
  8. Dark Side is really sick, but I always liked WYWH and Animals a lot better. I just find the longer songs that are more instrumental and less lyrically driven a lot more interesting.
  9. if you thought 17 minutes was epicly long, try "Echoes" from the album 'Meddle'. There are versions that are 23 minutes long.

    Pink Floyd is amazing. My favorite band hands down.

    the Echoes greatest hits cds are pretty good. i personally have around 400 songs from pink floyd recorded at various venues and then another 500 songs of bands covering their songs.
  10. i wish the radio stations would play other songs that they have. they always play money or time and i never knew what other songs they ahd until i started downloading them a while back and since then their music has grown into me. i saw roger waters in dallas and houston last year and the concerts wre bada@@. i almost was temped to try and go to a show in netherlands (thnak u credit cards lol) or somewhere were i could smoke without being paranoid.

    i have dark side of the moon live and animals live. both concerts flow real smoth and everything kind of fits into place so if you are looking for a cd to listen to while smoking or a road trip try their live versions.

    we all have our taist and experiances, for me i like their sound, no one sounds like them, and if they tried it just wont work for them if you know what i mean. as i understand the wall more and more i like the album more, used to be the one i liked the least, again its the sound of their music. now i have the movie and the concert from 82 i think. i think the concert is the better of the differnt versions out there because its shorter and i like other versions besides their studio version.

    i think i like them so much is because they sound so differnt, they have their own sound and once i got over that the music is 30 yrs old it seems timeless like someone said before, todays music, except for a very few, sucks!

    ps the back rows seem alot cooler then the front rows. everyone in the front rows were all uptight and snobby looking. i tried to spark up their but everyone around there just sat and staired idk, so we went to the back and there were much more relax groups

  11. Nice...That song is also pretty quite epic...I also managed to stumble upon a 27 minute version of Shine On which was pretty sick also. Which, is weird I am normally not a fan of really long songs but Floyd is definitely an exception. I think it's because even though the some of the songs are so long they manage to change up the pace and instruments enough that it doesn't ever seem like it is just dragging on.

    I have around 250 some Floyd Songs on my computer...and I have yet to come across one that I really don't like.
  12. what r good spots to get songs?
  13. dude this is an impossible question...which is ur favorite???? wtf how can u anwser that when they all are amazing.

    I would have to say it depends on which mood ur in at the momment u listen to them, and i think any good fan would agree with me on this one.

  14. I see what you are saying i guess i was more going along the lines of what is your favorite at the moment? Sometimes, like you said it depends on what kind of mood you are in. But at the moment what album/song are you digging the most?
  15. In my eyes there are 4 bands. Syd Barrett's Floyd, Pink Floyd the band, Roger Waters super group, and Gilmours garbage. I like the early stuff like Piper and Meddle.
  16. agreed, but imo Waters stuff was too orchestral, and dint have the blues that the earlier stuff lived off of.
    Best albums i think are DSoTM - goes with out saying
    Sound track to the film More- I think it really shows how Pink Floyd used the blues to build from. Imo their most utterly underrated albums.
    Obscured by the Clouds- A lot like DSoTM and wish you were here, but played with more of a swing. Also it has my favorite line of any pink floyd song. "The memories of a man in his old age, are the deeds of a man in his prime."
    annnnd the first side of Meddel (lol cuz i dont have time for a 25 minuet song!)
  17. Recently purchased the Oh By The Way Boxset and have also been listening to mainly Pink Floyd lately.

    At the moment my top 3 Floyd albums would be:
    Meddle, Piper at the Gates of Dawn, and Obscured by Clouds.

    My favorite songs would be:
    Echoes, One of These Days, Childhood's End, Lucifer Sam, Astronomy Domine, San Tropez, Fearless, Not Now John, Sheep, Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast, Any Colour You Like, Bike, Remember A Day, Have A Cigar, Wish You Were Here.

    Could go on forever but i would just end up listing all of Pink Floyd's songs. :smoking:

  18. Seriously? you should make time.:smoking:

  19. I haver to agree with the you should make time comment. Some of Floyd's long stuff is fricking spectacular.

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