Pineapple express....

Discussion in 'Movies' started by Izi, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. Does anyone notice how in the scene where Seth's buying the pineapple express, Saul says it's 10 bones more for a quarter, and Seth goes "Okay, I'll take quarter"...but the bag that Saul gives to Seth is no more than 2 :rolleyes:

    Anyone notice this, or other weed screw ups in the movie?
  2. Good catch. I just checked it out and you're right.
  3. Yeah dude, what the hell, haha. You'd think a movie run by so many different stoners would have picked up on this.
  4. Their grow op sucks, there are asians running around killing people and guys getting their ears shot off, not good for the plants man.
  5. I agree, but I still wouldn't say no to a nice batch of Pineapple Express.
  6. lol they wouldnt take the time to make it look super real. coulda been really dense nugs? lol who knows
  7. [​IMG]
  8. ^^^^^ nice.

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