Pills & Pills! DXM

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Aush, Nov 16, 2009.

  1. Hey there :wave:

    I had a quick question. I take prozac and a couple other medications for depression =[ I read that DXM pills can react badly with other medications, and can cause serious damage and even death. I was wondering, what if I did NOT take my pills the night I take the DXM pills, will any harm be done? Basically, I'm worried that I might still have some medication in my system that will react badly, despite the fact that I haven't taken them withing 24 hours of each other. I can't really go off of these medications for more than a couple days. So yeah... any and all input is appreciated! Thanks!
  2. #2 Internets, Nov 16, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 16, 2009
    DXM isn't worth the risk. If you feel the need to ask here, dare I say it isn't safe. You should do MUCH more research before you risk your life in a shitty, confusing trip.
  3. Your taken prozac for a reason. Dont go off it. DXM is no joke. Its not worth the risk.
  4. I've done a bit of research, which is how I came across the bit saying that the 2 could react badly. What I cannot find, however, after searching for quite awhile, is weather meds can react even if they are not taken together, within 24 hours of each other. Thanks!
  5. Do not do it. Even if you were to abstain from your meds
    for a week I would not reccomend it. There is a good chane for serotonin syndrome which can be life threatening if your body is use to inhibited reuptake of serotonin. I would wait two weeks before I would consider takng dxm if I had been on a ssri, not worth it.
  6. Aren't SSRIs long acting? Also, DXM is a NMDA receptor antagonist, which I don't think has anything to do with Seratonin (While LSD and Shrooms do).
    What are your sources? I think it could just be that DXM is getting a bad rep since it's used as a Hallucinogen, and many Hallucinogens are effected strongly by SSRIs, Lithium, etc.
  7. Never mind, did a bit of research. Seratonin Syndrome, yada, yada.
    I've never been even the slightest bit interested in DXM, forgive my ignorance. :)
  8. Damn, thanks guys. I'm glad I asked first. :eek:

    I wanted to try it, but I guess thats alright. I appreciate the responses.
  9. prozac has the longest half life of any ssri.

    dxm isnt worth it.

    ssris work by building up a baseline level in your system - why would you want to interrupt that? depression sucks
  10. Like SKS said, DXM isn't worth it. Honestly, out of all the drugs I've done, it's the only I don't care for. Plus, depression medication takes more than one day to leave your body. Just say away from DXM and MDMA. There are tons of other drugs for you bro.

    Be safe.
  11. i take paxil and i rolled on monster massive. i stopped taking it about 20 days before i rolled. i think paxil and prozac gets out of your system in 2 weeks. i popped like 3 pills and i turned out fine...idunno about dxm though.

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