Pictures of Needle point or white fluff?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by neff, Oct 29, 2009.

  1. So I was searching and I can't find a picture ANYWHERE of needlepoint or white fluff lsd, anyone have a picture they can show us ? I would like to see :)

    If not those, then maybe TJ or lavender or amber?
  2. i really dont think youre gonna have any luck gettin pics of the crystal man. but if ya do, im subd to see them too:)

  3. Why is this?
  4. itll just look like a white powder.

    i think the other ones may have a tainted color though since theyre not as pure
  5. i dont think the ppl who know how to make it, would want to show it and have an account or something like that. even on the internet
  6. u wont find pics cuz no one is dumb enough to post it.
  7. That would be pretty dumb to post pics of crystal
  8. what is this you speaking of? ppl post pics of coke and cant post pics of this stuff?

    im interested
  9. It wouldn't be dumb to post pics of crystal, it would be dumb to post pics of your own crystal

    when you say white fluff, are you looking for a pic of actual family lsd?

    because the majority of the crystal and probably most pics that you'd find online aren't family
  10. I'm so confused here.

    What are you guys talking about, acid or meth?:confused:
  11. I could see it being a bad idea if they made it themselves, but I'm sure they sell it to some people who could take pictures.
  12. The only pictures I found were on the DEA website. One was of some purple LSD and the other was orange. I haven't been able to find any photos of needlepoint or white fluff.
  13. whats family lsd ?
  14. holy shit i used to have those exact same bowls thats fucking crazy

  15. haha stoner
  16. the reason no one will post is because its such a potent substance that a gram is enough to dose 10,000 people. thats a lot of doses man
  17. yeah thats crazy you must live on a continent that has walmarts..
  18. The reason no one would post is the fact that it is a highly combated substance by the DEA and as someone already mentioned a small amount could dose thousands of people thus making a thumb sized amount equivalent to hundreds of pounds of pot or 50 or so kilos of cocaine.

    Get it now?

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