i only own two pieces but i decided seeing them both in the same cabinet i might as well post them to here. the one on the left i call lebong james which i had to buy a new slide and diffuser a week apart but its all good, i have a way better slide now, and the one on the right is a gravity bong i made that i haven't used in months. later boys
Thats a decent bong, but you should just chunk the gravity bong. Save the lid with the bowl for next time you wanna make one.
i spent $50 on that bong which was one of my best investments, i also didn't want to spend much because its going to eventually break, yeah its about time for me to get rid of the grav, i'll probably dispose of it tomorrow
Replace that with a nice glass spoon or chillum. Look on Etsy, they have a ton of great quality pieces for fair prices!
50 bucks is a solid deal. Yeah you can always make another, you dont need dirty plastic chilling in your cabinets. And as far as glass breeaking, just be careful with it. I consider having glass on a hard surface like that a no-no. But sometimes you don't have a carpeted area to smoke in.
I think its a lot better to have your glass seated firmly on a hard, flat surface thats not in your way so you dont accidently break anything. just be careful with your glass, ESPECIALLY around other people.
to whoever reccommended me etsy, thank you, i'm now going to buy a bowl so i can have a mobile piece for $8 shipped
yea, there are some great finds on there! And they are not hard to find! At those prices, I would get an extra :x and even I am very careful with my stuff.