Pictures I took of Saturn and Mars Tonight

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by Ghetty.Green, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. I posted this in the photography/art section I forgot about this one...

    I have a Nikon D40 and a 55-200mm zoom lens..

    Tonight at about 10PM, I noticed a bright orange "star" out there, so I zoomed up and took a picture... It happened to be Saturn.

    Mars is also visible.

    I can't seem to properly use flickr along with codes so you might have to open the ? marks in a new tab. Make sure you click "ALL SIZES" once on my flickr. Sorry![/I] If that doesn't work my flickr link is [url=]Flickr: bhksk8r's Photostream[/url]
    I had to manually focus it and the shutter speed was around 6 seconds.

    Enjoy, I was mind blown once I zoomed up on the picture after I took it to see the rings. The other pic is a constellation, not sure which..


  2. Wow that's really cool that you can see the rings on Saturn. :eek:
  3. Cool. Imagine what you could do with a proper telescope fixed to your camera, and a sky-tracking telescope-stand... since you're into nighttime sky-photography and all :)

    And the constellation you took a picture of, is a partial of Orion. The give-away is the three stars in the middle that constitutes the "belt" of Orion, and the bright smudge in lower center which is the Orion nebula. Aka the dick of the warrior :p

    Do keep us posted if you do some more star and planets shooting :)
  4. That's really fucking cool!
    Can't believe you can actually see Saturn's rings!
  5. Hell yeah, it's pretty crazy!! It's been cloudy here otherwise I would have more pictures.
  6. fuck that's so awesome

    i noticed an orange star to the northeast a few nights ago. i thought it was mars. maybe it was saturn?

    +rep lol. you reminded me that i need to get my telescope from my parents' basement.

  7. Nah you wouldn't be able to see mars, its fuckin tiny to the naked eye. It's a small dot even with a zoom lens..

    You were probably looking at saturn or jupiter? I'm pretty sure it's saturn though.. Awesome man, blaze and check out the night sky on a clear night.. The universe is amazing

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