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Picture thread

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ChaliTuna, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. Wasn't sure if there was a picture thread, couldn't find one so i wanted to start a thread in the apprentice tokers section dedicated purely to pictures of your buds, pieces, packed bowls, and joints or blunts!

    Try to keep from conversing too much!

    Also make sure they're 600x600 or less to stop margin rape! (read stickies if you need help!)
    I'll start this off with some pictures i just uploaded to my computer :smoke:
  2. Go to the section called "stash jar". it has everything you are looking for.
  3. Why would you put your "sex wax" in the picture?

  4. Size reference.
  5. Obviously but why not grab a coin instead of putting something as personal as that, I just find that as pretty weird.
  6. [quote name='"Nfgould420"']

    Obviously but why not grab a coin instead of putting something as personal as that, I just find that as pretty weird.[/quote]

    You do realize its just chapstick right?
  7. Sex wax is cooler bro
  8. lets be glad he didnt compare his pipe size to his dildo
  9. [quote name='"JustinCredible"']lets be glad he didnt compare his pipe size to his dildo[/quote]

    I compared it to Chapstick, why the hell would a guy who smokes marijuana have a dildo and compare it in size to his pipe? -.-
  10. It is just lip balm bro.. what the hell are you so scared of?
  11. i had the same thought at first i was like wtf and then i read it it says lip balm but whatever sexual activities he is into must require him having smooth lips?? no seriously though bubbs if my chapstick was called sexwax i would look for excuses to post a picture of it hahaha oh man but seriously they do have lots of other picture threads like this, but not such a broad topic on one thread most are specialized this is for pics of bud pipes pieces joints blunts and chapsex!
  12. [quote name='"weirdguy007"']i had the same thought at first i was like wtf and then i read it it says lip balm but whatever sexual activities he is into must require him having smooth lips?? no seriously though bubbs if my chapstick was called sexwax i would look for excuses to post a picture of it hahaha oh man but seriously they do have lots of other picture threads like this, but not such a broad topic on one thread most are specialized this is for pics of bud pipes pieces joints blunts and chapsex![/quote]

    You do realize sex wax is a huge company right? They've been making wax for surfboards and Chapstick for years, it's honestly my favorite Chapstick I've ever used. Girls love smooth lips!

    I like how I tried to start a general thread for apprentice tokers and it turns into a Chapstick and sex thread-.-
  13. Sex wax haha
  14. some diesel i got today

    Attached Files:

  15. sour power!

  16. damn right haven't smoked it yet so should be good
  17. lol

    sexwax is lipbalm guys, chill.
  18. looks bomb let us know how it smokes

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