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!@!Picture Post Your Smoke!@!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Darn Mclean, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. [​IMG]



    I had one good stoner seshion with that!!:smoking::hello:

    post your pics and comment what you think:D
  2. wtf is up with all the broken ciggs :confused:

  3. My guess is to mix spliffs together
  4. Is... is that hash? Holy shit!
  5. that or for poppers
  6. Had to urban dictionary that term. .

    Poppers\t541 up, 123 down
    Amyl Nitrate. Refers to a small, usually brown bottle of solvents or the solvents themselves, which are sniffed, usually during homosexual sex by the bottom. Amyl Nitrate boosts blood pressure, relaxing the anus and making anal sex more comoftable

    Not that there's anything wrong with that. .

    Still don't see how amyls and cigs go together :confused:
  7. nah thats something different, in Toronto/Canada, poppers are a way to smoke weed out of a bong. you take a tiny rip off a cigarette and put it in the piece without a bowl, and then pack the weed on top of it. its called a popper cause it pops when it rips
    do not confuse amyl nitrate with chronic poppers,amyl nitrate is just nasty distgusting
  8. The broken cigarettes are for mixing the hash grass and tabaco together for joints - as shown in the first picture:smoking::D
  9. Not to be a dick but last picture looks a lot like soap-bar to me.
    stay away from that shite
  10. they sell it in porn stores in a brown little bottle, its called rush... eminem actually mentions it in a song he says something then is like...that rush got me all flush in the face.... i know a couple people from work that use it once in a blue moon just for shits and giggles(literally), it makes you laugh your ass off for like 2 minutes then your back to normal, i've never done it no desire to, but their faces get red as fuck when they do it...
  11. buy some large skins dude, cos that build in the first pic has wayyyyy to much paper =/ or use a transfer skin for the middle instead. Nice stash tho =D love the squidge!

  12. Thats pretty much nitrous oxide i thinkk im too stoned too thiinkk:smoking:
    thats why you laugh hardcore

    but nice stash man
    im pretty sure its for spliffs
  13. Yeah, now that memory serves me right, they were poppin them all throughout fear an loathing.
    Never tried them either though.
  14. Is this the first time you seen hash?

  15. probably :/

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