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picture messages of bud

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by GreenNeon, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. so ive heard talk that sometimes the police can intercept picture and text messages, well im usually good about not sending any pictures of bud or pieces via phone but like a dumbass i wasnt thinking nd sent a picture of some bud to an online album so i can put the pictue onto my laptop, so my question is, is it true tht cops will sometimes intercept picture/txt messages and randomly bust ppl
  2. Even if they do they can't prove that it is marijuana.
  3. nope , wouldn't hold up in court
  4. Yeah they can't prove it unless they catch you red-handed or green-handed :p
  5. they can with a warrant, and if you were to get arrested and had pics of bud on your phone then they can use that to build a case against you.

  6. But they not would waste the time to achieve a warrant to use against a single person who is most likely not dealing large scale or growing large scale.

    Dont worry, eat some more munchies to get rid of the paranoia ;)

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