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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by anonEmous, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. Got this for $25

    Attached Files:

  2. at first glance its a little dark and looks kind of 'midsy' but when i clicked on those pictures boy was i wrong, looks like a nice pickup, was that for 25$ a gram?
  3. Nice pickup :D :hello:
  4. shit looks good :) enjoy :smoke:
  5. Not sure, someone I know sold it to me for 25 bucks and I didn't ask too much, didn't weigh it either. I got fair baked off 2 of the smaller buds.
  6. I would say you did well.

    And I will say you did well.

    Well done.
  7. #8 showt1me, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2010
    nice that looks pretty good, nice trim job too.

    if i had to eyeball it i would says it's 2.5

    edit: maybe 2.0
  8. I would pick that up for 25 any day, but i guess because the prices are pretty high here.
    Nice pickup man.
  9. The prices here aren't the best either, I'm going to see if I can get a cheap oz.
    Thanks guys, hope you liked the pics.
  10. Nice man, enjoy it. :)
  11. Good Stuff Man, Enjoy
  12. def. hooked up:D
  13. Looks yummy :smoke: Congrats on the pickup buddy :wave:

    Next time take a picture next to a quarter/lighter, also see if you can get one with the flash on ;)
  14. never judge a weed by its thumbnail. thats some goodshit...ak47 type stuff
  15. Haha Hurb1.

    Nice pickup man, smoke up
  16. Was fair dense and potent, thanks for the kind words. :)
  17. Well done! First time I`ve ever seen someone pay what I would. Haha, I bet you had your fun with it too.

    Congrats! :smoke:

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