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Pickup Tonight

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by jsinfant3, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. Pickin' up a zip tonight, got three choices... Silver Haze, Trainwreck, or Blueberry. What should I cop?
  2. silver haze if its legit
  3. Get the silver haze hands down. I just picked some of that shit up and it's great.
  4. Silver Haze ftw!
  5. which strains of the three have you had before.

    silver haze is amazing if it is legit shit

    trainwreck is alsosick expecally if you have never had it before

    And blueberry can vary ive seen super dank blueberry and regular beasters called blueberry

    i suggest to look at all three and see which one looks the most dank
  6. FUCKKKK NO TO SUPER SILVER!!! That shit turns u into a zombie, its got a big head high but at the same time a MAJORRRRR body couch lock stone. I like more clear energetic head highs, trainwreck sounds good to me.
  7. Oh man, those are all awesome.
    Blueberry for the taste (and good high). Trainwreck for the crazy sativa high. Silver haze for the relaxin' stoney high.

    I know that wasn't much help. Get all 3. :smoke:
  8. Whichever looks the dankest is the one you should always get...silver haze if it must come down to it :smoke:.
  9. idk iv had some dank ass sh before.cant comment on the rainwreck or blueberry though.
  10. Trainwreck all day its so good if its legit
  11. Just how i like it :hippie:
  12. Good looks, decided to get both the silver haze and the trainwreck.
  13. Silver Haze if you want an amazing stone. Be aware though this bud is known to KILL.
    Trainwreck if you want a instant rush of dankness
    Blueberry if you want to taste gods vagina.

    ^ hoped that helped haha. Nah i'd def go with SSH
  14. I'de say go with the wreck, never fails.
  15. you made a good choice. so when are these pictures coming :D

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