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Pickup Master Kush and Sensi Star

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by 420smoker87, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. #1 420smoker87, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2010
    Picked up about 10g of each. $165 for 20g. Sensi Star on the left, Master Kush on the right.
    Sow some Master Kush[​IMG]
    And Sensi Star[​IMG]

    My camera totally destroys the look of the bud but you get the idea.

    Both types are of high quality. Master Kush is 100% Indica while the Sensi Star is mostly Indica with a hint of Sativa.
    The Sensi Star is covered in crystals as with the Master Kush. The Star is more tightly compacted while the Kush is fluffy, both are hard though and dry without being crumbly. The Kush is definitely stronger than the Star, one bowl of Kush and I get some major couchlock. The Sensi star is still very stoning as with the kush but gives a slight head high along with the body high. The Sensi Star has a slight yellowish hue, while the Kush is a bright green. The Kush, being a Hindu Kush/Skunk hybrid maintains that skunky smell, while the Sensi star has a hint of lemony freshness. They are both smooth but the Star has a better taste with the kush being somewhat harsher.
  2. damn i could get lost in that. fresh
  3. i want your bic so bad. ive never seen a brown one. that bud looks awesome too. i love MK
  4. Yeah they just came out with this color of bic I think at least I've never seen it before. That MK is one of my new favorite strands, that first bong hit(or knife hit) of that stuff for my wake n bake gets me ripped.
  5. When I bought this lighter at the store the clerk was all excited about it and instantly looked through their lighters to find another one for herself.
  6. well i know what im doing today... finding one of those
  7. wow that is some nice bud. i have a buddy in oregon who always claims to have the dankest of the dank. now i believe it :p
  8. Yeah Oregon has some very good bud.
  9. Master Kush close up
    Sensi Star close up

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