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pickin up 2 oz's

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by boonub, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. im pickin up 2 oz's but its going to be some really old weed/ regular weed basically. any way i can cure it or something like put a orange peel ?
  2. Melt it into a liquid and shoot it up.
  3. Put it in a big ass jar, or multiple jars, with a lemon slice in each one. Should perk em' back up.
  4. Chop it into a fine dust and snort it.
  5. Run the faucet into a strainer filled with the weed, then transport the weed to an airtight mason jar asap without letting out too much water. Throw that shit in a cool dark place and you'll have the best looking bud EVAR in a few days. :D
  6. Yeah dude foreal, the longer you leave it the more CRYSTALS there will be
  7. Does that actually work? like if i go buy some not so good weed, can i make it more dank with this method? or am i just gullible?

  8. NO.


    it wont make it more dank, weed is as dank as it will get the day it dies.

    sorry man but its just gonna be crunchy, dont buy two ozs of it.
  9. Why does nobody state the obvious? Depending the price you are getting it for, it could easily be turned around into edibles, QWISO, etc.

    And no you can't cure it to produce any noticeable difference most likely/
  10. only cos im getting 2 oz's for 160?
  11. just cook that shit. you'll have some bomb ass brownies.
  12. obviously you should make hash. or edibles.

    or grind all 2 ounces up, smoke kief bowls, and take the grinded weed and roll fat 1-2g joints/blunts.

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