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picked up some cheese

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by randyr, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. Picked up a dub of cheese this a dime only Hows the quality?

    When I weighed it on my aws scale (new scale) it came up to 0.56 g i thought dimes were 1 g . Did I get ripped off? :confused: Thanks

    Attached Files:

  2. Looks fine man. It depends where you live what the going average is, but where I'm from people give out half a gram dimes so it sounds about right.
  3. depends how much u spent. if it cost ya more than $10 id say u got jipped a bit, either way quality looks good and cheese is good shit
  4. looks good hope u didntt spend more than 10
  5. ya dimes of dank are usually always 0.5 unless you have a good connect.

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