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Picked up some bud, what would YOU rate it

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Amped, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. #1 Amped, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2011
    Hey guys! Just came back, i picked up 2gs from a friend. I'm getting my scale back tmrw so I didnt weigh it out yet, but 99.9% sure its 2gs :) Plus hes my friend so he wouldn't short me. So these two pieces are around .8-.9 each im guessing, but with basically no stems. There was a big ass stem in the bag which probably weighs like .2 but fuck it :smoke:

    What would you rate this bud? Mids, high mids, dank?

    I would probably say high mids or maybe low dank.

    Anyways, im satisfied... will test it out tmrw afternoon :smoke:

    UPDATE: I tried it out, update is on third page

    Attached Files:

  2. I would say dank. 8/10 in my opinion. :smoke:
  3. on a scale from 1-10

    based on photos of bud i've seen. probably like a 6.

    based on what i get around here... 9.5.

    but yeah, what you said, some lower end dank.

  4. 8/10 dank bro no doubt ! as long as it sparkles as nice as urs does its all good :)
  5. Haha thanks :) I really didn't even notice that its frosty until i took pictures and actually examined it closer :smoke:

    and yeah psychocircus, some of the bud posted on here looks crazy dank :)
  6. 8/10 man, I got some similar looking shit from my guy right now too.
  7. Nice, but im guessing you are in the US so it wouldnt be the same shit :smoke:
  8. Tmrw I will update this thread right after i finish vaping it. Going to be using a new technique on my MFLB as well, hope i get high as fuck :smoke:
  9. It's weed...who the fuck cares, smoke it and get blazed.
  10. That looks awesome man congrats :)
  11. Woah man, chill out!

    I just wanted to share my pickup with my fellow blades :)

  12. some people tend to care about the weed they are smoking...

    Edit: or vaping ;]
  13. It looks pretty damn good, but rating on looks only i give it a 7.
    But we all know looks ARE NOT everything.
  14. Haha of course not! I will give a nice detailed rating when im (hopefully) blazed out of my mind tmrw :D I can't wait

  15. doesnt look super uber dank but ya got some nice shit
  16. I would say it's about a 7 out of 10 it looks like it got dusted in white.
  17. Dusted in white? :confused:
  18. I'd give it an 8.5, looks tasty to me

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