Picked up my new white label ROOR :)

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by papajesus, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. My friend and I picked up a new white label ROOR about a week ago. Including the diffused downstem, we got it for a *STEAL* @ $204 after tax. It's an 18.8MM BISTABIL.


  2. Is that a 5mm or a 7mm?
  3. very clean, white label is definitely my second favorite-aesthetically-after flame polished. also a question, what is bistabil? the type of joint or something?
  4. It's a name for joints of that thickness. There is also uber, ust (for us tubes) and one more I'm forgetting I think.

    After ROOR.us quality began to fall off, ROOR.de started mailing bistabil joints to them.
  5. It might be a 3.5mm, the "black and white" is what it is called on the .de websight. It is the only model at 3.5mm thick. lists for 121euros with an 18.8 bistabil. Looks very similar and price is pretty close. Op(or anyone else who knows), is it a .de or .us? That bistabil looks SOLID. You can just tell that is a piece of quality no matter the thickness, she's purty....
  6. i need a roor gotta start saving :p (lots of nice ones off edit but you can go outta town and find "real" ones a tad cheaper) but heard its tough finding real ones

  7. Honalee? I'm not sure....

    Nice tube! White RooRs are nice. Enjoy :bongin:
  8. It's not a German tube and it's definitely 5mm or more. Look at that joint weld man... THICK!

    Edit: Actually looking at how clean that weld is.. I need to see the sig before declaring it American. The OP probably already knows though, depending on where they purchased it.
  9. What tipped you off it's not a .de? That bistable weld is massive. My 5mm.de lil sis doesnt look half that thick, so you are probably right. Can't be anything but 7 or9, i would think. I think mine has the added strength bistabil(where they add 40% to the bistabil) but maybe not. I ordered it, but it doesn't look half that thick.
  10. I don't anymore... looks downright German to me. If it's a USA piece, it's the best I've ever seen that wasn't a Kustom.
  11. Yeah man it looks thick... but it's legit ROOR, and I assume American since I bought it here...

    I'll post a pic in an hr or so, it's in the dish washer at the moment :eek:
  12. Omg a roor
  14. ohai mistar sarcasm :wave:
    Thanks man, it feels damn good... and im soooo high...
  15. ive got myself a 2 foot yellow straight tube. :]
    15 mill diffuser with 14 mill joint.

  16. ust joints have nothing to do with US tubes. ust is a company that sells glass tubing and joints of various different sizes and thicknesses.

    US tubes are made by honalee, and they make their own joints.

    there are countless different joint thicknesses. according to stone glassworks' web site, bistabil is 2.8 mm thick, and uber is 4 mm thick.
  17. Very solid looking (slap on a lime green label and I would believe it's a .de). I wonder if this is a zob roor... since you bought it for cheap I doubt it though. Either way very nice piece, I'm jealous. One of the finest roor.us I've seen.
  18. Guess I got confused. I know US tubes blows their own joints... not sure about the honalee thing though. I've never heard of the two being affiliated... and Honalee has their own tubes. :confused_2:
  19. #19 andyffer, Jan 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2010
    white label... :rolleyes:

    sounds sick.

    like the Montecristo Whites. Thats what I order from jr... ;)
  20. requesting more pics
    that tube is sick
    and that weld. its like sex

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