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picked up a couple o's

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by 2hazed, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. a buddy and i picked up an ounce each yesterday. i helped him roll all of his, this is what we ended up with.

    Anyone know what strain it might be? i know kind of tough to pinpoint just from pictures but the smell is real cheesy and its not the densest stuff i've had, real flowery almost. any ideas?
  2. damn son those pics are huge my bad, and excuse the ripped up fingers haha
  3. looks dank as fuck
  4. dont know what strain it is, but nice joints ;)
  5. Nice buds man, enjoy!
  6. I couldn't imagine smoking or vaporizing more than .2 a session now.

    Nice lookin J's though.
  7. #7 RC Flyer, Aug 5, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2012
    Can't tell from the pics, but if you send me some I will analyze it for you. It looks very nice, how does it taste?
  8. tastes pretty nice, its not the dopest dope i ever smoked but its dank for sure. and i cannot tell a lie, we used rollers for the joints. still took a long ass time at like 3 in the morning domed though haha
  9. [quote name='"2hazed"']a buddy and i picked up an ounce each yesterday. i helped him roll all of his, this is what we ended up with.

    Anyone know what strain it might be? i know kind of tough to pinpoint just from pictures but the smell is real cheesy and its not the densest stuff i've had, real flowery almost. any ideas?[/quote]

    41 joints out of a ounce is decent.. Did you weigh them out? Just curious..

  10. it was 40 on the dot, and no we didnt weigh them out at all but it was a nice fine grind he used a coffee grinder real quick to get it nice and fine
  11. If you had used a grinder with screen to grind you would have a couple of grams has kief left over right now

  12. true, and when i roll up some of my stash i'm using my grinder for sure. but my buddy wanted the real fine grind so he went with the coffee grinder, we scraped that shit to the bone for all the kief i think all we ended up losing was the shit caked onto our fingers by the end
  13. I swear I looked at those and thought "there's no way those are hand rolled" :p
    Don't know why you would roll joints with the whole zip, but looks nice nonetheless.

  14. he only smokes js i dont even think he has any pieces anymore, so we figured might as well just hit the bong and roll up(my bong :) )
  15. that shit looks beautiful ! I wanna roll that up :) as for what strain it is im not sure but just smoke it nd enjoy :smoke:
  16. personally.... such a waste...

    (prepared for all the shit I'm about to get.)
  17. [quote name='"figarofigaro"']personally.... such a waste...

    (prepared for all the shit I'm about to get.)[/quote]

    That's cool dude, but these aren't your o's.. So what YOU choose to do with YOUR weed is cool.. And the same goes for op.. Ya feel me?

  18. word man. all we did was take the daily rolling that would have happened for him(my zip is still nugs)and condense it into one night. with two rollers going at once, couple rips here and there and some seinfeld, can't go wrong:smoke::bongin:
  19. nice man just dont use a coffee grinder... ever.
  20. why, it grinds it up perfectly

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