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Pick Ups from CANADA!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by snoopydogg, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. I'm a new toker and this is a little taste of vansterdam buds. although not the top quality pictures, enjoy :hello:


    Bubba Kush

    Cherry Bomb

    OG Kush

    Purple Kush

    Picked up a better batch of bubba kush along with god and c4 ( chimera ) 6 grams in total for $30 :wave:

    Bubba Kush

    C4 ( Chimera )

    God bud

    Also got 9.8 grams of no name danks for 50!





  2. Where abouts in canada?
  3. vancouver
  4. canadians suck. so do their weed. actually, everything from canada sucks.


    nice weed
  5. Bud Central, no doubt

    not really, nice lookin weed dude!

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