pick and match seeds from attitude

Discussion in 'Marijuana Seeds Banks' started by potblower, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. they don't ship to the u.s. last time i checked.. thats why u usually pay more for attitude.
  2. They ship here, I ordered from them twice before.
  3. taken from their faq..
  4. Maybe it's just there since it's illegal in the states, but they defintely ship here...I ordered from them twice, know MANY MANY people in the States who continue to order from them with success, and I just placed an order yesterday that's on its way. I'm sure many people in the City can vouch for them too
  5. maybe they say they dont on the website but they really do, to avoid problems? any one else?
  6. ^^ that's what I'm saying, because FOR SURE they ship to the US...I just ordered another order two days ago and its on its way. :D
  7. hey at 2 dollars a seed ya order just 5 seeds to test out the water and see if they actually send to the US, i know they send to canada cuz i ordered from them the other day and then placed another order later on
  8. ^ well i tried to checkout and it said they dont ship to us and it wouldnt let me go on, so i dont think they do, how the hell did u get it?
  9. Really...I just checked out, I dunno why it isnt letting you
    Incase you dont believe me


    Did you do the stealth shipping?? Maybe that has something to do with it? Dunno why it wont let ya...
  10. hey chitown, thats attitudes site....????im from canada, thats why it shipped to me, guess they dont do the states
  11. this thread made me lol.
  12. yeah it is
  13. yeah....you missed the whole picture...lol
  14. i know, im only showing my order was dispatched...dont wanna show rest of the shipment info/ my account info
  15. nononono...roflmao....we were talking bout another company not shipping to US, everyone knows attitude ships US...lol
  16. lol hahahahaha i just realized i misread this post ^^^^ lol sorry guys, i guess just a slip in my mind from smoking before i come to the City

    haha this made me lol

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