Hey what's up got my little greenhouse in the mail today set it up and sat my sativa clones in there changed it around a little put a twenty gallon container full of wet soil in there to heat up and keep it warm tomorrow morning when it's 32 degrees this is an experiment to see how the container plants do naw I'd better bring em inside the house and put em the empty closet Check out my outdoor flowers
If it blows down post a shot, as these tents are becoming very popular with many domestic growers only issue is they are too light?
If your thinking of getting one of these I would not recommend it I feel like I wasted sixty bucks I'm still not impressed with it at all but I'm gonna try to get some use out of it if it don't blow away in tornado season and if I don't get blown away during tornado season no joke one hit about a mile from me last year it was in a field but another one tore roofs off a house in a town just west of me so I'm sure it won't stand any chance then .
On a positive note these things do raise the temperature inside of themselves during the day like twentydegrees warmer in there it's about sixty five outside with a nice breeze but in there it's probably eighty or better in there and the containers are nice and toasty I've got some I'm alternating from a cfl flower box to this on sunny days on gloomy days just leave em in the flower box they are only an inch from the lights in the box they are all tied down to make a nice even canopy I'll get some pics in a minute!
Oh drive 4 fatty steaks and ratchet straps all the way across that solved my wind issues. I also keep alot of plants on the bottom row on the grate so it weighs its down a bit. Good luck during nado season though =(