Phoniness and Religion or the Lack There of

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by 3js, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. After a decent amount of alcohol I decided to write this to examine my personal view of biases in both the theistic (catholic, in this case) and atheistic poulations in writing. This topic hits close to home because of our very secular society mixed with my personal experience at a strict catholic high school (yes im 18 bitchezzzzzz). It has come to a point where I have been repelled by people of both the view points.

    To start from the beginning I was baptized at the age of 12. However, in the strict Catholic distinction of Baptism, I did not partake. This is because I was baptized so I could attend this hellhole to be with a best friend that I no longer talk to - yeah, not a good idea, I know. Anyways the true precursor of this post was my religion teacher, who, ironically, is extremely intolerant, unforgiving, agressive, and manipulative. This guy is the kind of person who believes all non-Christians and gays are going to hell. Anywho, this man has single-handedly scourged the last of the faith I had been working up through 4 years of brainwashing. I now dread second period everyday because of this man. He gives exorbitant amounts of information to prove the authenticity of Christianity, and jujst enough info to argue against him and get shot down quicker than if you had gone hunting with dick cheney (not that I'm a know-it-all liberal). It makes every class i sit through feels like something out of 1984 (in the social-programming sense as well as the throwing shit at the presenter feel).

    On the other hand, I am disgusted by the PC bullshit that has infiltrated absolutely 100% of the media in our culture. I can't turn on the tv without seeing modern american family (or whatever its called, i don't watch that garbage), or Oprah spouting some feel-good empowering bs so depressed middle-aged women will buy her magazines. The pro-flamboyant-in-your-face-homosexual agenda as well as the keyboard-happy-atheist-Christian-hates repulse me. These paired with the multiculturalist push apparent in most Canadian newspapers, make me puke. Not that multi-culturalism is a bad thing, but as my learned English teacher has convinced me, it seems to limit culture to a language, song, dish, dance, costume, and food (think the weekenders). The secular pro-pc society seems to push me as far away as the fundamentalist-based groups.

    So.... do any of the other GC members feel the same way, ostracized by this ridiculous political and spiritual spectrum on both sides?
  2. Dude. i know what your feeling. one side is oprahs crap. the other side is the hardcore bible bashing people. Thats how it is for people who grow up in the church, atleast for me it was
  3. i totally agree with you. i grew up in a Southern Baptist Church and i was 100% dedicated for several years but over the past 6 or 7 months i have started to realize that most of the people at the chrurch would believe anything that is told to them as long as the guy is behind the pulpit. i used to read the Bible for about 2-4 hours a day so i know it pretty well and i realized that alot of the stuff they were telling us was not true. they were manipulating scripture to some extent. I started to open my mind and make sure that i really believed in the Bible. I still have alot of quetions unanswered but there seems to be a few problems in the Bible that make it conflict but i'm still not sure.

    Anyways i think there are many problems with the Church today but also many in the media and stuff such as Oprah

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