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Phlunx Strain Reviews : Indoor Organic Cheese

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Phlunx., Oct 11, 2014.

  1. #1 Phlunx., Oct 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2014
    some fire indoor organic cheese my buddy grew over this summer, after he was able to get some seeds that came from Royal Dutch Genetics themselves.

    Indoor Organic Cheese

    grass valley, CA

    Master Kush x Super Skunk (Royal Dutch Genetics)

    looks - lime green buds with spindly bright orange and yellow hairs covered in trichs, looks very fresh and has mad bag appeal.

    smell - immediatly this hits you with a cheesy, earthy pungent stink, like some serious stank, but the good kind of stank. Even in a sealed mason jar this stuff stinks up a room.

    flavor - taste was not what I expected from this, a strong cirtus and pungent earthy flavor that had me craving more and more.

    effects - effects came on 3-5 minutes after a sess. started behind the eyes and stayed there for a good 30-40 mnutes, making it really hard to concentrate. music had a "psychedelic" like effect on me, and would steal my attention from whatever I started to do. major couch lock on this strain as well, would not recomend for daytime use. the effects of this strain lasted about 2 1/2 hours, very good strain for night time use.

    come down - come down was relaxing and left me with mad munchies, something I tend to notice with heavy indica hybrids. heavy behind the eyes and heavy on the legs even hours after come down.

    pros - very euphoric, relaxed and happy effects, and last for a good while. good for patients with depression, insomnia, pain and stress.

    cons - heavy indica, dont plan on getting much accomplished after smoking this strain. bad cottonmouth with this one too, which I rarley get anymore these days.

    overall rating - id give this a 8/10. very good buds, bag appeal, mad stank, flavor makes you crave more, and the high is very euphoric (something I love), but is something I can only smoke on at night. if you come across this old school favorite I suggest pickin some up.

    Attached Files:

  2. Great review, I enjoyed reading it, then I got to the pictures.. :eek:
    Looks very well cured and super frosty, I can almost smell it from here.
  3. thanks homie I try to be as helpful as I can and I love revewing stuff lol

    yea this stuff was cured for a good time, not to mention my buddy methods are just redic lol

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