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Philly mids

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by HighMountainSkier, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. My dealer is starting a new job, so he's going to be out of town in training for the next few weeks. Here's 2 ounces of mids out of Philly




    It's seedy and stemy, but @ 150/oz who cares.[​IMG]
  2. Looks great man toke it and enjoy
  3. What's your regular price for an ounce? Up here i pay 140 for some high mids.
  4. Varies. $480 for medical grade, but that's tough to come by. $150-200 for everything else.
  5. bomb ass mids. would love to be able to find smoke like that for those prices around these parts.

    smoke on :smoke:
  6. damn, I pay 100-120 an Oz. I would never pay 150 but that is me. Unless it is Dank.

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