Hey guys, I have a pretty basic setup. It's two rubbermaid containers on top of eachother (one has the bottom cut out, the other with the top cut out). I currently have 1 70 watt CFL light and I plain on buying a splitter soon and having 2. It just sprouted about an hour ago and I have the light about 10 inches from the pot.
Question: It's pretty hot in my rubbermaids, I'm getting a tiny fan soon any idea how I should set it up? I was planning on just keeping it relatively low budget so maybe just cut a hole in the side of the bottom rubbermaid, put the fan in and seal it as well as possible? Then I would just put a few holes in the top for ventilation?
You need to have some type of ventilation not only for fresh air, but also to cool it down. I'm not sure what to suggest you because I've never done it before, but maybe someone can give you an idea.
First off, the best way to get good advice in this board is to post pictures. That will help you get more informative advise instead of people just guessing to try to help you out. I personally just use a 16" oscillating fan. It definetly could use more ventilation, but it seems to be holding up find so far during this grow. My last grow I did develope mold, but I think it was because the soil I was using was bad, and less because of the lack of ventilation. Overwatering + underventilating = probably not good. Hope this helps!
Hahah...heres where I think you should probably make the holes (bottom one where the fan goes blowing outward). That way air would be pulled in through the top, out the bottom if you seal it correctly... I could be completely wrong, but it sounds like a good idea to me haha.
Okay, so what do most people do turn it off when they sleep? How much is one of those timer things. Also, I heard the more light the better and that it's okay to do 24/7.
From what I've read it's 18/6, maybe someone else with more knowledge will subscribe and help you through this grow. I don't know too much.
Im heading over to Walmart to get some things. I set up the fan like you guys suggested and its muccchhh cooler in there. It will be perfect when I get the other light in there. I'm looking to buy some nutes, but not sure what to get? HELP!?
Didn't get nutes at Walmart because I have no idea what to get! Need suggestions on that. Another question: My plant keeps growing closer and closer to the light everyday, so I back the light up slightly, but it keeps doing it. The stem is now like 5-6 inches from the soil to the top (where the 4 leaves are), is this normal?
This is just a friendly response to richards18 post on where to place the fans. If you are to place the fans on the bottom, do it for intake and let the warm air vent through the holes in the top. First rule of thumb- Warm/Hot air rises. So you always want to vent from the top and intake from the bottom.
You can go 18/6 or 24/7, its up to you. both will work fine. I would personally use the 18/6 cycle to save a little power. A timer cost about 11$ at Wal-mart. That would be the digital one which I would suggest using. It's only 7$ more then the cheapest mech one they have and will work much better.
Well too late for that. I added another light, so I have about 135 watts. Question: When watering, I know you check by sticking your finger in the soil about 2 inches to see if it's moist, but if it's not how much do you water it? Do you water it to the point that it can't hold anymore water?
How do you transplant correctly? I'm gonna buy some good soil (ANY SUGGESTIONS?) and I need to transplant without hurting my little guy.
I read this: "The vegetative stage likes \t\t\t\t\t\tmore Nitrogen, and the flowering stage like more \t\t\t\t\t\tPhosphates and less Nitrogen." and that's why I bought the 24-7-14 (or something close to that) Miracle Grow mix, but I've been told that's a bad soil.