Ive finally decided I'm going to be a pharmacist. I've been told its very challenging and hard but I'm going to do the best I can to take on the challenge because it will be rewarding. Any pharmacists or current college students on here, could you explain what pharmacy school is like in detail so I have a real idea of what I'm getting myself into?
Uhm all I have to say Is I hate pharmaceuticals for ruining lives. Although they helped many, they've ruined many too
My sister has been a pharmacy tech so long she basically can do most of a pharmacists job and she likes it but that's all I really know.
I know it's all math and science and a lot of it. I'll have to be taking 17 hours of credits a semester. I used to think thy ruined lives but honestly that's just antidepressants and a few others. But when I'm doing my job, I'm rarely going to prescribe them and keeping good tracks of people's use.
dawg ur going to have to go pre-med: 1 year of calc 1 year of chem 1 year of bio 1 year of organic chem 1 year of physics u up for that dawg?
Be prepared for 8 years of hell is all I can say. And like that one guy said about pharmacy tech. You can do that in 2 years I think, but the salary is nothing compared to a pharmacist. You can either go into an undergrad program specifically designed for pharmacy- pre pharm. or you can get a bachelors in biology or chemistry or something similar and go to med school.
I'm currently pursuing my undergraduate degrees in botany and biochemistry. I plan on doing something pharmacy related after my 3 years are up (I'm on honors track...double major in 3 years, 21 credits/semester). But, that could change by the time I'm actually done so I don't entertain the thought too much.
i was thinking about doing it then i realized i fuckin hate math. though it really doesn't seem like you would actually need that much math to fill a prescription lol
yea there's is some for sure money in that field...at least you don't have to worry about getting raided,