I am using rockwool as my medium and putting a 5.8-6.0 solution through.... The solution is coming out significantly higher whats this mean? What should i do? Am i not feeding enough?
if you rinse the hell out of your rockwool you shouldnt have ph fluctuations. Rinse it under the sink for a while. shake/dab all of the water out on a napkin or towel. Dont be too rough you dont want to damage it. That should clean it out. Then let it sit in ph corrected solution for a few hours and you should be good.
I did adjust it once already and have been feeding for about 3 weeks now. I just dont understand how its going up unless the plants stripped all the nutes out and left it more neutral....
it is possible that the plants are sucking up more than you are feeding. Only way to truly tell is a ppm or ec meter. DrTrichome has an article on feeding per ppm meter. http://forum.grasscity.com/advanced...s-formula-2-0-how-maximize-lucas-formula.html Basically he states if the plants are absorbing more nutes than supplied it can cause ph swings, because there is no buffer left.
When you first pulled the rockwool out of the wrapping to use it, did you submerge the cubes in ph'd water to off set the original ph of the rockwool? from the factory, rockwool has a ph of 10 or so. each cube needs to be soaked for 10+ minutes in 5.5 ph water to dilute the 10ph. most likey if you didnt do this, it is causing your problem, along with what the previous poster said about ph rising cause to buffer is left.