pH question

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Suppa_K, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. So the pH of my tap is 7.8-8.0 roughly, I think it lowers the longer it sits out. Now this is the second set of pH testing I have done since the transplant of my plants to their 5 gals, hence the second watering too and the number have not changed.

    Here are some of them.

    1: 6.4/6.5
    2: 6.6/6.6
    3: 5.8/5.8

    as you can see most haven't changed, even some of the lower 5.8-6.0 plants did not go up, should I add pH a couple points and see how it reflects next watering, I mean 8.0 seems high but I was already told on here it doesnt matter how high if its not affecting it then I need to make it higher?
  2. Please explain yourself better. Are the 3 sets of ph #'s your posting specifying 3 different plants or the same plant but 3 different times you watered your plants?

    I say to try what most guys do around here and add 1 tbsp per gal on your pot size of dolomite lime to your soil before planting into the 5 gals. good luck.
  3. Oh I have pH up and down so i'm good on that I am just looking for a clear answer of whether I should up the pH since my 8.0 water dosesnt seem to be raising it. I have asked similar questions on here before and basically I just want someone to explain how pH works, I know its a add and subtract kind of system with the levels, but i'm still a little hazy on the subject.

    Yes those are all different plants, I have quite a few, some are in the 5.9-6.1 ranges. I have seen virtually no changes, I know they dont happen overnight or even in days.
  4. Different plants and different days, just to clarify.
  5. you should PH after you add nutes
  6. I have not started feeding yet, although its been a month now, I would start but my plants are still pretty small.

  7. Yes I say your best bet is by adding a mixture of dolomite lime to your watering just to buffer the ph some. Next time your grow it should be blended in your soil at the ratio i mentioned in my other reply. It may take some time for you to see the ph buff out but thats part of growing. Then start feeding them nutes. start at 1/4 the recommended dosage and work your way up depending on how well your girls take to. Keep us posted bro.
  8. Once again I have pH up and down lol so I dont need any dolomite lime or anything I can adjust my level fine, I just dont know at which rate, I dont want to water with too high of a pH level in my water.

  9. Do what you like but your ph still may swing. Adding dolomite lime will buffer your soil and as long as the solution, whether it be water or feeding solution, isnt super acidic or extreme alkalinity to it you should be great. I still use ph up when I feed my FF nutes because ofhow low the ph drops. but only to be on the safe side. I dont use it any other time anymore. I dont need to with dolomite lime.

    PH up and PH down are temporary solutions at best. I had to find out the hard way too. They a far more beneficial for growing in soiless or hydro. Dolomite lime or ground oyster shell is more efficient and just easier. Good luck.

  10. If your ph is already fucked then just flush your soil with 3X the water your pot holds. (5gal pot = 15gal water) This is where ph up and down come in handy. Adjust the water your using to flush with to 6.8 and begin to flush. After you have used 10 gallons, start to test the ph of your run off while using the last 5 gal. You should be real close to 6.8 by now depending on how bad your ph was in the first place. Once you get to 6.8 you should be good. Wait 3 or 4 days for the soil to dry a bit and then continue on your feeding schedule. Dolomite lime should be applied too. consider adding epsom salt.
  11. What does epsom salt do?
  12. provides your plant with mag.

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