What are the pH meters everyone is using? I need to get one but as there are so many I can't decide which is the best one to get. I don't understand spending around $50-$75. Can I get a good accurate one for this price range?? Any advice is appreciated! thanks! PatchAttack
I have a cheap 2 prong for my soil. It's a 3 function, but I mostly use it for moisture readings. For water readings I use an orange 1 prong soil. I had a better one but it wouldn't hold a calibration after awhile. For some reason the orange soil one reads my water perfectly though it isn't supposed to. I've confirmed it over many levels and somehow it's completely accurate. Go figure. Each was less than 20 if I recall. Be kind. Perfect your craft. Give more than you take. We are family.
the cheap yellow ones are decent but need to be calibrated a lot..good if low on money...I had a hanna combo that lasted 7yrs but I guess the new models suck..I use the bluelab pen now and I have a sunleaves digital soil meter that only measures in .5 ph but is good to see if you're too acidic or what