PH Meter?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by hillbilly420, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. Looking for a good ph meter to check both water and soil. Something easy, but want a good one.
  2. They make ones like the moisture meter that can do both, but its on a single digit track meaning you cant get very precise, but it is better then nothing although most people will say invest in a digital one, you can get them for as low as around 30$ or a little more.. Considering they can go into the hundreds.

    But a regular moisture meter is cheap though, the pH meters that use the needles like that arent supposably accurate.

    If your doing a regular soil grow, I think you will be fine with one of the lesser ones. Digi imo is really only needed for some more serious stuff like hydro.

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