Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Bigtent, Jan 29, 2024.

  1. To high? How do I lower it?
  2. Too high for what?
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  3. Not really that high

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  4. This is too high for cannabis plants. In soil based media, aim for a pH of 6.3. In DTW, aim for 6.0. In hydroponics, 5.8.
    If your plants are in vegetative, try to use nitric acid. If your plants are in flower, try to use phosphoric acid.
    If you are referring to your tap water (?), then I would presume the water is hard, meaning a greater concentration of calcium carbonate; other than lowering pH, treating this water with nitric acid would produce calcium nitrate, a fertilizer.
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  5. So its soil fox farm soil there a house hold item I could use?
  6. What would you suggest just leave it?
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  7. I use fox farm fertilizers also
  8. You can use acetic acid (ie. vinegar). The acetate is a source for microbial growth.

    I suggest purchasing some pH down as I described above. At least get some phosphoric acid.

    Also, see this thread for some help on flushing:
    The Fast and Furious Flush'o'matic
    you don't need a vacuum or manifold/bucket, just use good old gravity.
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  9. From my experience yes but that's just me my ph is always way lower my current grow the vanilla sundae is at 4.5 and the mk ultra is at 5.5 like stated above 6.3 is the sweetspot meaning your plants ability to uptake nutrients is the greatest be careful with vinegar I've ruined a run before but I didn't know any better good luck

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  10. She's yellow now I did notice that the leaves have no brown spots so they must be uptaking some phosphorus but not any nitrogen the reason for the yellowing does Anybody if phosphorus is more easily absorbed in lower ph soil than nitrogen or is this a dumb assessment lol 20240128_094026.jpg

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    FFOF is not soil nor will EVER turn or decompose into soil .................
    You ARE NOT growing in a soil medium... Your growing in organic matter.
    ORGANIC MATTER is dead plants and animals matter...............................................
    And trojangrower, Nailed it.... LISTEN TO HIM>>>>>>>>>>>
    BUY SOME PH DOWN. GH General Hydroponics pH Up and pH Down 1 Quart Combo Kit Water Adjuster Buffer : Patio, Lawn & Garden

    LEARN what soil is
    this is TOP SOIL
    the upper layer of earth in which plants grow, a black or dark brown material typically consisting of a mixture of organic remains, clay, and rock particles:
    Soil | Definition, Importance, Types, Erosion, Composition, & Facts | Britannica

    Your plants need silica.. and there is very little amount silica in FFOF.... do the math ...NO silica = weak plants....that are acceptable to bugs and fungi issues.
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  12. You telling me I've been growing in compost this my seventh grow haven't used anything else what should I be using and how can they call it soil if not this is misleading I feel stupid maybe that's why I can't get ph right and my readings for ph are all over the place

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  13. Yup ........ guess all these years and you have no idea what your grow medium is and the same goes for your PH knowledge.
    Where is there any soil ?
    fox farm ocean forest ingredients - Search Images (
    No dirt/soil/earth............ Now what is your argument ?
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  14. i like to add some actual dirt in with my promix/perlite not much about 10% i get it right out of the ground
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  15. How are you getting this reading? from runoff with a ph pen that is calibrated? do you check PH in and PH out? is the saucer you catch the runoff clean? do you let it sit a few minutes before checking it?
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  16. I always mix 40% top soil/ sand pea gravel ,,,, for Drainage and the plant needs silica . 50 % of top soil/soil is silica . I am aslo sold on liquid silica for plants ,,, cant beat the stuff....makes the plant uptake allot more nutrients ,,,,,,,,, IF YOU GOT YOUR PH RIGHT>
    Once you start using silica. you will see a change in your plants structure.
    Good luck
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  17. have heard a lot about silica does it work with an organic grow?
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  18. "SOIL" in Fl? You would think that with all the leaves & organic matter our "soil" might be a rich/dark loam with less sand. Does this sand contain enuf silica, ya think? :rolleyes:
  19. No argument you don't have to be insulting when I first started growers and other forums suggested fox farm good for you if you have all the knowledge needed to grow and I'm happy you know what soil is still didn't tell me what I should be using instead you wanted to be prick about it we could really use less like you

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  20. I don't even know anymore tired of folks I'll figure it out on my own I guess I have no problem with you tho just smart ass comments that aren't really helpful what ever his name was pissed me off

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