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PH Level and Nutrient Availability Chart

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by schmedrickk, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. This chart should be helpful in determining PH Level in relation to Nutrient Availability and Lockout. Notice the lower the PH, the higher the chances of Calcium and Magnesium deficiencies. We see these defciencies a lot with potent fert solutions.


  2. So, if I read this right, you can have extremely alkaline soil and the only nutrient lockout problems you will have is a bit of iron and manganese? Can that be correct?
  3. This chart can't be for both soil and hydro, can it?

    Dont look right to me, where did you get it from schmedrickk
  4. Yeah, I'm wondering if this chart was even made specifically for MJ plants... I know that at 5.2ph (ph of run off water for plants in soil) my plants exhibited extreme nutrient lockout.
  5. Sorry, been away for a few days. I recevied this chart with a General Hydroponics PH test kit I ordered a couple of weeks ago. I cut it out from the packaging and ran it through my scanner to capture an image.

    Whether it is desgined for Hydro or Soil is probably debatable, but I believe it is desgined to be a general reference. I don't know that you will find many vendors who will say their product is designed specifically for MJ. I think they would be kind of crazy if they did, lol

    I do know that this chart helped me correctly diagnose a serious Magnesium deficiency in one of my plants, along with some other research like pictures of leaves, so the chart did work for me.

    I'm sure the chart is not designed to be an exact solutuion for every grower, I don't know that there is such a chart, but it can be helpful in understanding where certain nutes are starting to get locked out at what PH levels.


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