im having a really hard time keeping my PH stable.... I flushed my hydroponics system on sunday and about an hour or two after adding micro and grow nutrients along with earth juice my PPM was about 800 and my ph was 4.0 or i added some PH up in to bring it up a ever since then my ph has been at 7.0 to 8..5+....ive put ph down in but that just brings the solution to 4.0 and lower for about two hours then next time i check it its back to 7.0.....also my PPM is at like 1100 now so i know i have to add some water but is that the reason i cant stabilize my ph?....i thought if the plants sucked up more water than nutrients then it might make the ph go back down bc the nutrients originally made the ph so low.....any help or links to a thread would be nice.....ive searched some things on Google but cant seem to find what i need for this situation
if your hydro system isnt light tight algae may start growing, which will change your ph. my ph used to raise alot when my hydro setup wasnt light tight
Sweet perfect answer actually roots are covered in what i believe to be algea (its brown goop) which we noticed about 2 days after the flush....i thought it was lightproof for the most part at least...i have a 6 gallon blue tub with 5 vegging plants in it under a 400 watt MH light...could the light be penetrating through the hydroton pellets? or could it actually be going through the tub itself?...heres a pic of the tub so you can see the color...
i have some in orange home depot buckets an the light ended up penetrating and i had to spray paint my buckets. are the power cords that come through the lid taped up and light tight?
its def letting light through...i can tell when i lift the lid that its somewhat brighter than it should be in there....and the power cord is thin enough that the lid snaps over gonna spray paint it black tomorrow when i flush....i was told i might have root rot which im gonna try to kill with you think itd be a good idea to leave the earthjuice out for this flush to see how things work out?
hey there, I have the same tub and had the same prob.Also, what kind of water are you using?I went with distilled water to flush, just so I had a control on what was in it.I ended up using the aluminum tape on the lid, and a black plastic skirt for the tub.Fixed the prob,and only have been adding fresh nutrient water since.Haven't had to change the water since.