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Ph in soil a bit to high, how can I safety lower it

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by matthewmazzone76@gmail, Dec 2, 2022.

  1. Good day all, I was wondering how I can safely lower the soil Ph, it's sitting @ 7.25 so i think i need to lower it 1 point? If im incorrect please inform me, its all about the learning plus its damm fun and it makes me happy, i will take any advice but preferably the good kind. Hope to read some constructive learning from you fine folks.
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  2. Attached Files:

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  3. If your Organic with plenty of Microbes you can use Sulfur Dust but this is slow and gradual. Months to see real change. Chemical grows can use chemical means. Ammonium Sulfate. Acts almost instantly as it is a chemical reaction not a microbe changing Sulfur into microscopic droplets of Sulfuric Acid.

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  4. how did you come to the conclusion of your PH? a slurry test? was it on top ? do you check you runoff ph ? my slurry came in over 7 but my runoff is 6.3 so i just let it be
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  5. If you're in a living organic medium and want to stay with an organic method. Recycling your medium with 10% CSPM should bring you into the correct pH range.
  6. This is where im a little lost, runoff ph is 6.6, soil 7.25 and top of medium 2" from down on subsrate ph slurry test shows 6.5 im just not experienced enough yet to deduce the concern. My girls are autos and i dont want to over do it with product, they are in 3rd week of flower. So with that said if i act now if i even have too at all, thats why i need a little knowledge on how to effectively correct it in a timely fashion as you know speed is of the essence with autos. It seems as if thers a lot of literature on this matter and they all differ a bit.
    Thank you all for your time and knowledge.
  7. I live in a extremely small tow in Idaho and my choices on where I can buy products is extremely limited. There is a nursery however the only product they carry is aluminum sulfate + iron, does anyone know if this is a safe route to take with my girls?
  8. It could be a few different things.

    I really wouldn't be too concerned. You're not far enough out of range to cause much of an issue in an organic growing medium. I have high pH water. My last plant had some issues. I recycled the growing medium and prior to making any adjustments I did a soil slurry test. That pot of no-till medium had a pH of 7.8.
  9. i suggest adding as little stuff as possible unless you show deficiency and keep an eye on ph and ppm every watering measure what goes in and measure runoff my soil is high in ppm right now from adding stuff so i am just watering for a week until the ppm in the runoff is under 400 right now it was 2500 no good at all

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