pH for compost tea

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Fostergick, Aug 22, 2023.

  1. I have prevegenics compost tea mix It’s 1 gallon of water for 1 ounce of mix. It drops my pH from 7.3 to 6.5. Do I need to adjust my water back up after mixing up a batch? Feeling a little overwhelmed with my OG Kush I really wasn’t planning on growing a plant this size it was dying at the ceiling, so I just throw it in the dirt. Hasn’t really had a need to feed in my garden soil. I have been using happy frog Dry fertilizer as a lately and thought a compost tea might help it along. Any feedback or assistance is appreciated. This is the brand Conpost makes amusing. And this is the first time I’ve grown outside directly in soil. Thanks for any help.

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