pH fluctuation

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by thebigdirty, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. This is my first hydro grow and we have been having some issues with the pH fluctuating. First off all, we are using unfiltered tap water. The seeds have just germinated and now are placed in the rockwool cubes. We're doing a bubble-pot system and here's the problem: We have taken the water directly from the tap and balanced the pH pretty much immediately to around 5.6-5.8. Within a matter of 1-2 days the pH has consistently risen to 7.5+. We have not introduced nutes yet. What could be the cause and what is the remedy? We are thinking we need to let the water settle before balancing the pH. + rep to anyone with helpful answers. Sorry if this is a common question, but I tried searching.
  2. #2 toxie101, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010
  3. We soaked the cubes for a while in pH balanced water so that shouldn't be a problem. I'll keep what you're saying in mind and hopefully the pH remain lower after a couple rebalancings.
  4. Update/bump: We did a test in a garbage can we originally bought to use as a reservoir which is just straight hose water, no nutes, no rockwool, just water. I let the water sit for 6-8 hours, and the pH remained the same, around 7.5. I balanced the pH down to right around 6. This morning 10-12 hours after balancing the pH has risen to around 7. What could be the cause? What is the "normal" time before the pH usually needs to be rebalanced?
  5. wat kind of ph concentrate are u using? General Hydroponics tends to be more water downed, Advanced Nutrients on the hand is really concentrated, a little goes a long way.
  6. We're using General Hydroponics. I talked to the guy at the hydro store today and he said that this is pretty much normal which is why he suggested we get the electronic pH tester in the first place lol. Well this takes the my noob thread virginity, so from now I'll do a little more research before posting. I also picked up the Jorge Cervantes book today so hopefully that will answer most of my questions.

    +rep to u Alvin

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