ph combo meter ec, ppm?

Discussion in 'Coco Coir' started by thesage3, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. I just got a mw802 combo meter. before I used a ph pen. my ? is about ec and ppm. I never have checked ppm or ec before last night. so I did my usual nute mix with supplements and check it my ppm was about 1880 and ec was 2.5 something. now I read in my bible ec should be around 1.3 to 2.3 tops am I doing something wrong? my plants show no signs burns and are growing fine. can someone explain ec and ppm in stoner lang.
  2. Dude, I think there are some really good explanations stickied in the beginners section. Dont take my word for it but you should check it out.
  3. dude I have read the beginners forum and that didn't help what I was asking is if anyone else is feeding there plants as strong as I am. in peek flowering I'm close to 2000 ppm with an ec of 2.4 to 2.6 which according to the bible 2.4 is too high but I have read of the ppm being that high or close. so I was wondering if anyone else has been feeding with an ec that high? my plants look great. and have been feeding them like this before I had my triple I'm new too ec and ppm. the beginners forum was good info. but there was nothing in there telling me I'm doing something wrong by feeding so high except what I've read in the bible. thats why I asked for help.
  4. #4 wesside, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2011
    I wasn't trying to be a dick or anything but your question was "can someone explain ec and ppm in stoner lang."
    Trying to explain about ec and ppm's can be long and winded, and a little complicated. Maybe it wasn't on this forum, but I've read some pretty good explanations about it somewhere.

    But to sort of answer your question, most people growing in coco on here use a lower ppm and water more frequently. Like me, I never get over 1000 (2.0 ec) and some strains show signs of burn. Other strains can handle more and not burn.
  5. how come so low on ppm? still learning after all these years
  6. Because I feed with every (well most) waterings. I do it to keep a evenly saturated lightly fed medium. Also trying to avoid salt build up from excess nutrients.
  7. I feed every watering with botanicare with alittle runoff. I'll have to do a side by side experiment.but earlier I recalibrated my ph meter the ec and ppm were a little high so I'm interested to see what kinda ppm and ec I get tonight.

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