Because "that's what humans do" is pretty flawed logic to be honest. You're not going to have a zinc deficiency from not eating meat either. Beans, nuts, and whole grains contain zinc naturally, not to mention there are numerous foods fortified with it. It's strange you get so mad at PETA for what you claim to be propaganda, but I can't help but feel you're doing much of the same thing here with your post and picture.
Long time vegetarian, but also long time protester of PETA. Although I hate that PETA does indeed euthanize animals they adopt, at least they use the most humane ways to do it. Not every animal shelter (who also euthanize) do this. Some use less humane ways that are painful to the animal. Some have been caught, tried, etc... However, many of those kind of places still remain. It's more cost effective to do things inhumanely... So I'm not trying to say PETA is some noble and amazing organization. They're not, but in this case, it's better than a lot of shelters. Also, to skittlette, I love how the website you have in your sig uses the same sort of technique PETA uses to gain members. Shock advertising is retarded regardless of your intent. The fact that they say PETA flat out kills animals is mis-leading, but it's not surprising. That site is owned/run by Center of Consumer Freedom who's biggest contributors happen to be members of the meat industry (Tyson Foods, Outback Steakhouse/OSI, and Wendy's). So obviously they are going to create propaganda for their side as well. You should always check the money trail to get an accurate idea of who's controlling what... Finally, I still love ALF and ELF. Despite their unorthodox tactics, they do things many of us would never have the balls to do and all for a good cause. Unfortunately, they don't accomplish much...Which is a shame...
Neither of those foods are products of animals. If you want the taste of candy, why not just eat candy?
ARE YOU PEOPLE SERRIOUS? Not only is this thread beyond offensive to many people vegetarian or not, but its ridiculous. PETA has stopped thousands of companies abusing animals rights by testing chemical effects on animals, not providing them with sufficient care food/water, ect. You should be ashamed of some of the pictures posted on this thread.
Who is honestly going to be pursuaded by THAT advert? Pointless censorship. But yeah it's already been said, PETA slaughter fuckloads of animals.
PETA: people who overlook EVERY OTHER THING FUCKED UP WITH THIS COUNTRY, to focus all their energy on animal consumption. I'm against animal cruelty, but I don't call the shots how my meat is killed. Frankly, I have too much going on in my life to devote myself to such a crappy movement.
You certainly call the shots on whether or not you eat meat, and if you really did care you could research what companies raise their animals humanely. I'm sure it's easier to deflect responsibility to someone else though.
Your right: I do call the shots on whether I eat meat. I choose to do so. I care about animal cruelty, but like I said, I have a lot going for me in my life. I'm an extremely busy person. Frankly, if I wanted to dedicate myself to a cause, it would be a much more serious one than animal cruelty (relatively speaking of course. I'm not downplaying animal cruelty). Am I selfish? Maybe. Am I going to amount to more than life, than heedlessly and hypocritically whining about animal abuse? You betcha. Maybe it's easier to deflect responsibility, I wouldn't know, you should talk to PETA about that one, I am sure they all use cell phones, non-biodegradable shopping bags, drive cars, keep their porch lights on at night (all these things create pollution/environment damage that affects animals).
You certainly find enough time to browse GC. Maybe it's easier to deflect responsibility, I wouldn't know, you should talk to PETA about that one, I am sure they all use cell phones, non-biodegradable shopping bags, drive cars, keep their porch lights on at night (all these things create pollution/environment damage that affects animals).[/QUOTE] Eating meat regularly contributes more to environmental degradation than most, if not all of the things you listed. Nice red herring though.