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Persistent issue

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by Skip I am, Jun 2, 2019.

  1. This has been ongoing. I figured when I put it outside in the notill beds it would fix itself. That was 3 weeks ago. The entire garden is rocking but this plant continues to show deficiency on new growth.

    My top dress mix over the winter was a mixture of

    Oyster shell flour
    Fish bone meal
    Rock phosphate
    Neem seed meal
    Crab meal
    Humic acid
    Insect frass
    kelp meal
    Alfalfa meal
    Blood meal
    Bat guano

    This was top dressed about once a month starting in October. Along with a generous cover crop of crimsom clover.

    As I said no other plants are exhibiting this. I've been using LITFA in Hope's of it working out. At this point I'm ready to cut bait on it and use it for mulch as I dont want any project plants. If there is something to try I'm all for it. 20190602_125356.jpg 1559506253748.jpg

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  2. ^^^^^That's a whole grocery list of stuff, and a lot of applications of it. That sure makes it hard to troubleshoot. It sure seems like its pretty heavy on the P and K, but can't tell for sure without knowing the amounts of each amendment, and the amount of soil to which it was applied.
    I don't want to sound harsh or mean in any way.
    I shutter every time I see someone say they apply langebenite for general purposes. It should be used very carefully, and in small amounts with a specific goal in mind. In fact every amendment should be treated that way.
    I would shit-can that whole list, and just use alfalfa and maybe some kelp or an already balanced blend of "all purpose" (think tomato tone or similar products). Then just mulch with straw and or leaves and LITFA.
    Good luck. Hopefully rain will make your soil a little more hospitable over time.
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  3. #3 Skip I am, Jun 2, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2019
    you don't sound harsh bro you've helped me alot. The original beds were vegetable beds and she only ever added manure to them every year. Last year her vegetables all never did shit and I made the call that the beds were simply spent. Theres my amounts. I combined them once a month and dusted the top layer of every bed and bag from that mix and lightly raked it in.
    I have an 8x8 raised bed, a 3x3 raised bed, 4 65 gallon bags, and 5 25 gallon bags. There was roughly 4 top dressings of this mixture and it stopped in February. It was 4 cups of the mix dusted over the 8x8, roughly 1 cup of that mix was dusted on each 65 gal and a 1/4 to 1/2 cup on the 25 gallon bags. Since then the beds have just been resting until May 11th. 1559508339187.jpg

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  4. Your other plants that are doing great in the same soil, are those cannabis? If yes then I would just attribute this to a weak plant and toss it if you have other beans in store. Better to start a new healthy plant that thrives in the soil you have than try and cater to a "finiky" plant. To me it's a sign this plant isnt strong enough and probably wont do so well. Also, pests love a weak plant!
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  5. Yes it is just that plant the others all are showing rapid new growth. I have a few extra beans since my seedsman order came in. I already have a gorilla zkittlez started indoors might pop a swiss cheese or north thunderfuck have you ever grown either of those?
  6. Never grown those strain sorry.
  7. The amounts in the 'mix' seem pretty reasonable, I don't see anything that's out of whack, I agree with scoob, and just try another plant.
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