Perrenial Canabis?

Discussion in 'Cannabis Breeding' started by DirkDouglas, Aug 13, 2023.

  1. I Bought a house 12 years ago. The first summer I noticed random cannabis plants popping up. Always around the very edges of the home or fence because I would mow em down before ever seeing them anywhere else. The first year I just plucked em. Second year they were back so decided to let them grow. They got massive (12ft and even 15 in some cases) with tons of enormous buds the size of my calf. Every year they are back and each year I allow a handful to fully grow and die come the colder weather. This year I let 5 go and all 5 are female. I have had males before as well. I don't do anything to them. No water, nothing. They are indrustucable and always grow to giants.

    How is this happening? I'm wondering if I could breed this strain with something potent. I haven't actually had the quality tested. I have harvested some before and smoked and get high but I'm not really experienced enough to say what the quality would be.

    Anyone experienced this? I am located I'm ontario canada.
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  2. My grandfather was a farmer during WW2 and the farmers in his area were required to grow hemp for military use (cloth and fiber) if they had a government backed loan. He died in 1966 and I drive by his old farm and there is STILL hemp growing along the fence rows and around the barn. The seeds get spread around by the birds. You could smoke a bale of it and you wouldn't get high of course, but it can REALLY be difficult to eradicate if it gets established.
  3. add some dried flowers to a gravy
    see what happens is the easy way
    or donate to a weedy type friend

    good luck
  4. you mention you leave some every season, each crop is dropping seeds on ground for next season just like sunflower

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