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Permanent High?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Jakezilla, Mar 3, 2016.

  1. Hey everyone. I'm worried that I might permanently be high. I'm 18 years old and I've been smoking weed since I was 15. I would smoke a few times a week and then it got to be almost every night for 3 years. During this time, I would suffer from insane panic attacks only while I was high. They were so bad, they made me want to commit suicide, but I learned to control them and make them less intense. I continued to get high, until about 3 months ago, when I lost my best friend due to a reason I won't get into, and he was really the only person I smoked with. so I just thought I'd just take a break, so I quit smoking cold turkey. a few days after I quit, I started having strange thoughts, like I was seeing the world completely differently, like I did while I was high. I would get panic attacks sober similar to the ones I had where I wanted to kill myself. I told my mom about this and I was admitted into the hospital. They put me on antidepresants and anxiety medicine for panic attacks. Now, I still feel like I'm high. I feel like my brain has been fried from smoking so much, like I have permanent brain damage. It may not sound bad, being permanently high, but it is. I don't want to live like this.

    Any feedback at all would be greatly appreciated, and apologies for such a long post, I just had to give the backstory.
  2. antidepressants alter your brain chemistry too. might wanna see the doc and tell him your concerns. be upfront about smoking pot, too. it is not good to hide shit from the doctor.
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  3. Psychiatric medications can and do get people fucked up. They alter brain chemistry and have a whole slew of side effects that are horrible and terrible all on their own. So if you are saying you are feeling high and having strange thoughts, I would talk to my psych health doctors and tell them in no uncertain terms what the fuck is going on. Things should be feeling better not worse. But before we get to far into your meds and what the doctors are saying is wrong with you, let's talk about adolescent use of ganja and why it's a bad idea to over do it.

    First off, smoking or using ganja when your going through puberty is a bad idea. Your body is going through changes and making much needed adjustments via body chemistry. Heavy use is a huge problem when you re going through those changes. It leaves you feeling dopey, slow, retarded even. You become an introvert due to the anxiety and panic associated with heavy use as an adolescent. A little ganja is ok, but when you start fucking with how your body is growing while it is changing you have interrupted that change. Hormones are out of balance and brain chemistry has been altered for the worse. All of this is tied together.

    It takes time for you to heal from this. Have patience and chill. To be honest you are looking at a year to 18 months. More if they keep you doped up on those fucking psychiatric medications. Seriously bro, you be sure you keep in constant fucking contact with your doctors about how you feel. Get off of them as soon as you possibly can. The sooner you feel well enough to stop all medication, the sooner your body can do why it needs to do to get straitened out.

    So go easy, chill out and always remember, all of the fucked up things you're feeling are nothing more then imbalanced hormones and misfiring neurons in your head. None of it is real. In that knowing is your strength. It was mine anyway. I was lucky and got off of everything when I went in the navy. Even the prescribed medication. It still took a year me a year and a half half and the help of a good psychologist to strategy me out. Once you get to that point you'll be normal enough to do normal things again. Live your life with out feeling high or out of it, disconnected. You'll get there, hang on and chill out broski.
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  4. Thanks man. I really apreciate the response. I'm gonna try to get off these pills, however I need the anxiety pills for panic attacks. I don't want to rely on pills. I'm glad you can live a normal life.
  5. Maybe you shouldn't smoke, sounds like weed isn't your thing... I smoke 4/5 times a day sometimes, and I smoke every day and I never once had a panic attack... My old man, on the other hand, diff story... I think he had like a major breakdown/panic attack when he was young because of weed, even had to go to therapy and everything... Seriously, weed isn't for everyone...
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  6. I went through the same thing about 5 years ago. You are not brain damaged. You have the ability to recover and feel normal again even tho you do not experience that now. Manage stress and take care of yourself is the main thing here.
  7. You are definitely not and cannot get permanently high. It is the antidepressants and anxiety medicine will make you feel fucked up in the beginning especially, it's from the pills.
  8. Looks like the blades have everything covered so ill just say this: weed does not cause permanent brain damage, and you cant be permanently high. Those meds they put you on are fucking you up big time. Do you even know how fucked up antidepressants are? I would flush all those pills asap if i were you, they are doing more damage to your brain chemistry than weed ever could. I cant believe you let them put you on those horrible medications

    -Sent from Zeta Reticuli starsystem-
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  9. You should have never smoked weed to begin with.

    Seriously dude, you have panic attacks every single time you smoke and you continue to smoke. Big mistake, weed is not for everyone and if you are intentionally causing panic attacks every night then you might have future consequences.

    Weed everyday at 15 years old is way too young. Just my opinion, I would quit all drugs if I were you. Including antidepressant and other medicines.
  10. As someone who went off antidepressants alone... It is not a good idea. You will get withdrawls. Its best to talk to the doc about it and get a game plan about getting off them. When you just stop taking them your bad thoughts will intensify and you body will feel very strange.

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