Permanant nerve damage ? :S

Discussion in 'General' started by Dubway, Jun 3, 2011.

  1. alright so basically the other day i dislocated my right arm, i wont go into detail about how i did it, but its nothing embarassing, just kinda stupid, and i went to hospital etc and it popped back in. But for 3 days now my right deltoid muscle has been completely numb. If anyone has ever dislocated there arm, is this normal, if so how long untill i regain feeling back? or should i try and seek further medical advice ?
    any advice at all is helpful

  2. I would go to the doctor...or search google.
  3. i've looked on google, and the only stuff i can find is about people who fracture their humerous in the disloaction, but mine is/was still intact. I'm getting really worried now, but i dont know if im just being paranoid :(
  4. well I would go talk to a doctor Ive dislocated my shoulder and I certainly felt sorness in the surrounding muscles for like 5 days after. If you are not feeling anything that is not normal. But don't freak out it could be worse imagine if it was excruciating pain non stop.
  5. Sweetie, this is real life. You don't get a replay, or a new body if you mess up. Go see the doctor!

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