how much perlite should i put in my soil for my plants when they are ready to be planted and is there anything other then that that i can do to prepare the soil for the plant????????
I typically use 4 parts soil to 1 part perlite. I'm sure 3 parts to 1 works well too as mad4reef suggested, especially if the soil you're using doesn't already have a little bit of perlite in it to being with.
Yeah, i agree with both these guys.. I use the 3:1 ratio peronally... Helps the soil dry quicker between feedings and allows for great root developement..
Sorry for thread hijack, but what is perlite actually used for? I know many soils come with it, but is adding more necessary?
not a problem...yes it is sometimes usefull to add some extra to help the roots grow strong..perlite also helps with water distribution in the soil i is good to have tho for sure
It's an airy material that has lots of valleys and peaks, and allows water to gather and move from it's surface very easily. It's added to growing mixtures because it allows roots more access to oxygen, and allows the water to drain much easier.